We came upon a frog life cycle set in our local toy library, and, since Alicia loves frogs, I thought why not introduce frog life cycles to her. I've read a few blog posts about Montessori-inspired life cycle activities and here is what we created. One piece was missing from the set (a tadpole without legs) so we made it out of brown playdough. We used craft eyes to represent frog spawns and also some green marbles.
We put together another fake frog pond, it is very simple: waterbeads, some river rocks and water!
Drawing a tadpole. Alicia is not much into drawing (let alone writing) so we get very excited when we see her drawing something.
Frogs and wooden blocks play
Frog theme is very popular with Alicia and we ended up creating a few different activities.
Playdough pond
I made some blue and green playdough and we got started on the pond. Alicia rolled out playdough on the tray, made some holes for the spawns (there was need to make holes actually, it was totally Alicia's idea :)).
Then we put in some green marbles into the holes to represent the spawns.
Then we put toy frogs and tadpoles on our pond (life cycle set and also some toy frogs I got from party shop) and made a green hill for the big frog (bath toy). The frog and the hill is from the story that Alicia remembered when we started to build the pond. This story makes Alicia laugh and it was her idea to include it in our play. (In the story a frog (actually, an old toad) sits on a hill and knitting socks while tadpoles are happily swimming in the water, then she yells "Bed time!" and tadpoles are asking if they could play a little longer.)
Alicia liked the pond, so we made it again the other night with some variations. Here she put frogs to sleep :)
We also made this frog sensory box (rice colored in blue, paper lillypad, leaves from fake flower garland, frogs' food (flies, spiders, grasshoppers and dragon flies), glass marbles and rocks, toys frogs).
Alicia was discovering things inside sensory box for a few days, and, of course, her foot had to get into the rice eventually - lol :)
This frog we made out of paper plate. Alicia painted the plate, then arms and legs and I helped her to put it together.
Life Cycle of a Frog Sensory Box
We also made this frog sensory box (rice colored in blue, paper lillypad, leaves from fake flower garland, frogs' food (flies, spiders, grasshoppers and dragon flies), glass marbles and rocks, toys frogs).
Alicia was discovering things inside sensory box for a few days, and, of course, her foot had to get into the rice eventually - lol :)
Discovering the differences: "This tadpole has 4 legs and a tail!" I'm impressed with her observation skills.
Then we set frogs around a "table" to have dinner. Alicia didn't like the idea of frogs eating spiders, mosquitoes and other living things for dinner and suggested we give them yogurt instead :)
Some other day we made Vodyanoy puppet - a Russian male mermaid character that lives in a swamp. Alicia loves Russian cartoon that has him as one of the characters and the song he sings (here is the link to that song on YouTube).
Life Cycle of a Frog Sequencing Cards
I made Life Cycle of the Frog sequencing cards (in Russian) using some images I found on the web. I've also found and printed some ready-made cards and puzzles.
We looked at some pictures of frogs in the books about animals (Alicia loves looking up animals in encyclopedia).
Matching sequencing cards with frogs from Life Cycle set. Of course she the other toy froggies had to sit on cards too :)
Pre-reading/ sight reading
Like in most our games, I wrote some words for Alicia to learn (in Russian). Here she's "reading" (she can recognize some words and spell out most of the letters in them).
Frog Craft
I cut the pieces out and get Alicia to put them together (with little help). Then she wanted to do some paper cutting herself.
This frog we made out of paper plate. Alicia painted the plate, then arms and legs and I helped her to put it together.
Waterbeads Frog Pond
Alicia loved "swimming" the frogs and then drying them with a tea towel.
Frogs lining up to wait for their turn for swimming - lol :)
Drawing a tadpole. Alicia is not much into drawing (let alone writing) so we get very excited when we see her drawing something.
Feeding rice to frogs ("Frog like to eat rice, Mama, NOT spiders and flies!" - lol )
Frogs and wooden blocks play
Alicia loves to build with this natural wood set. Here she build a table for frogs and seated frogs on "stools" around it for "tea".
On some other day she built this:
Frogs are having coloured raindrops for lunch. Vodyanoy is laving lunch with bigger frogs - his friends :)
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